Ethernet connection for best sound quality

As far as I'm aware of for streaming audio with tidal hi fi plus ethernet. I need; besides modem and router.

1) A Streamer

2) A ethernet card specifically for audio jcat or matrix if I use my computer

3) Shielded ethernet cat 5 or better cable

So from wall to modem to router to streamer to dac, correct?









Can’t even believe we’re still having this conversation. 

 Believe it, there is a sucker born every minute.

Those of us who have tried both know. Those that haven't pontificate.  They are not here for knowledge. Just to preach their superior "knowledge."

@yage First, and just as with a DAC, a streamer is much more than just its processing chip, and if you don’t realize this simple fact you don’t (or won’t) understand there’s a lot more involved in good streaming quality than that.  Second, I’ll put an Innuos Statement (or any Innuos streamer for that matter) up against the Raspberry Pi you use in your system 7 days a week and twice on Sunday.  There’s a reason excellent streamers from the likes of Innuos, Lumin, Aurender, Grimm, etc. exist and people are very happy to pay up for them, and none of them would swap them for your lowly Raspberry Pi.  If you’re happy just burying your head in the sand and believe it’s just 1s and 0s and streamers make no difference then you do you.  But most people here prefer to use their ears and spend their $$$ accordingly, and investing in a better streamer has meaningful and substantial benefits whether you choose to “believe” it or not. 

Those of us who have tried both know. Those that haven't pontificate.  They are not here for knowledge. Just to preach their superior "knowledge."

@fuzztone +1

So what are audiophiles really paying for?

For $199 the Martin Logan Unison gives you:

  • Brings Wi-Fi streaming, via DTS Play-Fi or Apple AirPlay, to any audio setup
  • Anthem Room Correction works audio wonders
  • DTS Play-Fi supports high-resolution audio streaming
  • Our Verdict

    The Unison wireless pre-amp can not only stream music using your choice of DTS Play-Fi or Apple AirPlay, it also offers one of the best room-correction solutions on the market.

  • My actual room measurements below, kota1:

@joes44 out of curiosity have you selected a streamer and DAC yet? Or still in the research phase of making a selection?