I’m a little late on this thread, but going back to OP’s original question -
I have been using a dedicated transport to drive a DAC. I got out an old(er) CDP of the tubed variety, but I drove the DAC with the digital output which bypasses the tube section (of course!). The difference was substantial which kinda surprised me as the dedicated transport gets high reviews for a, relatively, inexpensive transport. The dedicated transport (an Audiolab) had a very good but somewhat clinical sound, whereas the CDP (a Raysonic) sounded like it had tubes (but it didn’t, they were removed), a much smoother, full bodied sound. The signifies not much except it certainly displayed a clear difference. I much prefer the old CDP for the CD I was playing, an older, laid back, jazz piano piece . I guess it pays to keep an open mind on this subject.
Oh, FWIW, all wires were the same for both units.