How Much Do Aesthetics Factor Into Your Decisions?

Right or wrong, I have always taken what a component looks like into consideration when making a purchase. I like my components to look good.

Much like when I buy clothes. Fit, comfort and construction are important, but clothing also has to make you feel good when you wear it.

How do you feel about it.

Do you want everything to have a certain synergy of appearance, or are you okay wearing brown shoes with a tuxedo? So to speak.


Aesthetics are not high on my list - to the point where unless they are disgustingly ugly (and I have seen some that are) I only look for good sound.  I did have a minor battle with my wife when I acquired big Wilsons - first when three large crates weighing 1100 lbs. showed up and again when I had to explain that the speaker grilles had to be taken off  for listening (presumably viewed by he-who-must-be-obeyed as making them even uglier).

36-24-36 … good aesthetics…

is there an “understood” metric equivalent?