Magnapan LRS placement

I bought a pair of LRS that I’d like to place 7" in front of KEF Reference 1s, leaving the KEFs in place. The KEFs are 41" from the rear wall, Will placing an LRS so close to another speaker be a problem? I’m very satisfied with the Reference 1s, just want to try the LRS.

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When I say this thing gobbles up power I refer to the 4 amps I tried on it. These 4 all sounded really good, but it was the CODA and Magtech that made me realize there is more in the speaker. I think the LRS+ will give your Reference 1 a good run. I love the Ref 1.

- Peachtree GAN1 (200 watts @ 8 and 4)

- Peachtree GAN400 (400 watts @ 8 and 4)

- Coda #16 (150 | 300 | 600 watts @ 8 | 4 2)

- Magtech ( 500 | 900 watts @ 8 | 4 )

The CODA has a lot of current and the lowest watts. You can hear that current with the bass. The Magtech is even better. I will have to adjust the speaker placement since the bass can be very strong.

That is why I am predicting the JC1 will be your best amp on the LRS+

My understanding is the Ayre amps are aimed at sounding a bit tube like without the PITA of tubes. I really like their sound, but I also like the sound of the JC-1s. I’ll start with the Ayre then may switch to the JC-1s. I play music at moderate levels and stuff below 80 Hz goes to the subs, so that mitigates power requirement a bit.

The room is 14 X 19, not 13 X 19.

You may want to adjust the sub crossover to 50 Hz or 60 Hz with the LRS+. A few people had it at 80 Hz and later adjusted it down. I did the same myself. 

I set up the LRSs in front of the Reference 1s today, and was astonished that the speakers sound so similar I had to put my ear to the membrane of an LRS to be convinced I was listening to it not the KEF.

Wait until the speakers have a few hundred hours on it. 

Last night I was listening to Kind of Blue with the Magtech and the LRS+. For the first time I felt like I was listening to a live performance of this album. 

The LRS+ is incredible. I do think my LS50 Meta was a bit sharper focus (not imaging). Whatever, the case, the LRS+ is the lowest in the Magnepan lineup so likely going up the range gets the sharper sound I heard with the LS50 Meta.

I think the LRS+ is better than the LS50 Meta. My criticism was just some very minor issue. I have no plans of going up the range of Maggies (for my office) since the LRS+ fits so perfectly in my 12x11x9 room (with 4 additional feet of closet space with a desk).

I hope you can pair the LRS+ with your JC1's and give a comparison.