My job was to evaluate new technology
I can see your background in tech when you are dispensing advice in your posts, its very clear and articulate. I also see it in your room, its setup like an engineers space, with precision.
So, remember Quadrophonic… four channel sound
I want the Black Ice Audio F360 that has a Jim Fosgate design. It is today’s version of Quad, I could slide it right into my rack and connect the RCA outs to the RCA ins on my active speakers (the XLR ins are connected to my Marantz processor and I could toggle between both preamps). I can get it at a reasonable price, its all analog, tube based. See the Zeos review. "Quadraphonic is Back" here:
So, multiple channels comes up again.
In an object based format that is backward compatible with everything, yes.
Which is fundamentally different than audio only at this time… if you are interested in high quality reproduction of music.
At this time...2023? No, we can agree to disagree here. Atmos music and concerts on blueray are NOT Hollywood movie productions, in the least.
Great, there are a few albums in Atmos that sound great on a mid-tier home theater system.
Here I am confused, what albums and whose system? There are tons of great albums in Atmos on streaming services that sound fantastic on even budget systems according to the reviewers. This is Andrew Robinsons opinion of the Sony HT-A9 and I think this system would serve Joe Sixpack well:
So what. I have access to millions of albums in red book CD quality and over half a million in high resolution formats that will sound better on a two channel audio system… by far.
How can I argue what you have? It is a SOA two channel system, built by an expert in technology with a six figure budget. I got no beef and am thrilled for you. yes, I would very much enjoy a stereo that has been purpose built over years (decades) too, great job!
What I am very concerned about is sending the message to folks that want a great music system into chasing a dream that is not there yet.
I am very concerned that someone starting out today that has a budget (large or small) would waste it by building only half a system, a channel based one, and not be able to experience all that object based audio has to offer.
If I really want to hear great immersive audio… music… and have $10K, $50K, or $200K, then home theater is not it. End of story.
So, let me add to your opinion with facts, anyone wishing to experience GREAT immersive audio is invited to stop by my other thread on getting a proper setup and you can get started for under $2K and build a blow your sox off, SOA system for under $50K: