Nordost reference jumpers vs second set of cables


My sound system is finally almost complete, and it sounds incredible. I just got a pair of PS Audio BHK300 amps for my B&W 803 D3 speakers. These amps have 2 sets of binding posts to go to the speakers. I only have one pair of speaker cables, so I tried using both cables on one amp, with one going to LF and the other to HF, and it obviously sounds a bit qbetter than using the B&W stock jumper cables. 

The cables are Nordost Heimdall 2. Do you think it would sound better to buy another set of Heimdall 2 speaker cables, or go with a slightly cheaper option of buying the nordost reference jumpers? I won't be able to demo the jumper cable option. 


Instead of jumper cables, I recommend picking up Nova or Prima for LF posts and use your Heimdall 2 on HF posts. I am in similar situation and currently using Nova on LF posts.

Thanks for the suggestion, I may try them out! Your system looks awesome in your pics.

A double run will sound better...though cost much more...but you should at least get matching jumpers,  and it will sound much better than with the stock ones...