Anyone driving Maggie 1.6 with a Plinius 8200MK11

Looking at possibly getting the Plinius, any first hand experience with the amp driving Maggies? My other amp in mind was a Krell KAV 300il, any help appreciated. FYI room is 17x27 with 8 foot ceiling, listen to mostly modern country, rock etc.

I believe that is the Plinius amp I owned (almost certain though it may have been the 8200) and it worked really well with the 1.6. It had enough power and nice tonal balance. It was one of the better amps I used out of several. A safe purchase imo
MAGGIE 1.6 caught my attention....I have the 1.7's....but what shocked me was that another audiogon member listens to Country music....and modern Country at that! I thought I was the only one !
I've owned several Plinius integrated amps including the 8200 MK II that I used with my Maggie 1.6 speakers.
In my opinion the 8200 MK II will work, sound great, and have plenty of power for your room.
I had the Krell KAV 300il that I used with my Maggie 1.6's but I sold it because I preferred the Plinius 8200 MK II sound.
I now have the 3.7's that I drive with my Plinius SA Reference amp.