Warm sounding 6922 Type Tubes

Any suggestions for a warm sounding 6922 type tube for my Dac. I’m currently using a NOS Mullard 6DJ8 but I’m looking for a bit more warmth to tame some brighter recordings.


Siemens and Halske with a External Acid Etch Serial Number, the versions with the Plate internal with a Serial Number are not of the same level of performance. 

The CCA from the 50's will also be a very close performer to the Acid Etch.


Thanks for the list. I spoke to Brent today and he suggests giving a NOS Amperex 6DJ8 a try. 

If Mullard’s aren’t doing it I doubt another tube mfg. will.  Seems like you should be looking at either the DAC (you don’t mention the name) itself or another component in your system.

@earthbound The Mullards are starting to warm up and probably didn’t give them enough time to break in. I guess there’s no set time especially for NOS tubes.

The real problem is I have tinnitus in my left ear and it’s extremely sensitive to high frequencies so that’s why I lean towards a warmer sound. I can no longer listen to loud music without being affected. I should have mentioned this initially.