Are my speakers now the "weak link"?

Hi All, I have been upgrading my system over the last year or so. I am now wondering whether my Sophia series 1 speakers are limiting the performance of the system. That being said, I have no complaints and really enjoy the sound I have. However, the speakers are now 10 years old. The rest of the system: VPI Scoutmaster/SDS/Soundsmith Paua/Transparent Reference phono cables/Herron VTPH-2 phono stage/Musical Fidelity TriVista DAC/Musical Fidelity A3.2 CD/Musical Fidelity NuVista 800 Integrated amp/Transparent reference cables and power cables/Transparent Powerbank 8.
I listen to vinyl primarily, but I also really enjoy the sound of my CDs on this system.
Thanks for your opinions.
and there are much better amps and much better.....the thing is that if you love the sound of your speakers, then upgrade other components and see if you can coax the most out of your speakers. So many folks don't realize how important pre amps and then amps are. Go listen and notice the differences. What have you done to your room to make it sound better? Those can be inexpensive things like wall hangings for even record racks on the rear wall to diffuse. You can always change your sound, but is it really better? I actually like the Sophia's and I was never a Wilson guy. Do you have a local dealer who carries Wilsons and can guide you through what you are looking for?
If you enjoy CDs not vinyl not as much then the phono setup is surely the weak link. Could just mean a tuneup of what you already have. I'd assure what you have is set up optimally fist. Lots of ways to go wrong there with phonos. Getting best possible sound our of a phono is very tricky stuff. much harder than with digital. If there are any experts you trust, I would ask them to assess what you have and offer suggestions. Have them explain what is wrong with what you have first before agreeing to change anything, then make sure the change addresses the specific issue(s). Otherwise might just be playing phono roulette until you happen to find teh right setup/combo.

Maybe some phono experts here familiar wqith your gear (I am not)can assess your setup and tell you what specifically might be improved and why.