Are my speakers now the "weak link"?

Hi All, I have been upgrading my system over the last year or so. I am now wondering whether my Sophia series 1 speakers are limiting the performance of the system. That being said, I have no complaints and really enjoy the sound I have. However, the speakers are now 10 years old. The rest of the system: VPI Scoutmaster/SDS/Soundsmith Paua/Transparent Reference phono cables/Herron VTPH-2 phono stage/Musical Fidelity TriVista DAC/Musical Fidelity A3.2 CD/Musical Fidelity NuVista 800 Integrated amp/Transparent reference cables and power cables/Transparent Powerbank 8.
I listen to vinyl primarily, but I also really enjoy the sound of my CDs on this system.
Thanks for your opinions.
amp... def. then a current generation cd player...and you will then get a new table.
Never been impressed too much by Sophia. I think they are a step down in resolution and coherence compared to comparable generation WP. I would replace with a Sasha 1 if possible.
Thanks. To Cerrot, ctsooner, syntax: have you listened to the NuVista 800? I am just curious as to your personal experience with it. As for the turntable, it was my late father's TT, and I want to keep it for sentimental reasons. However, I have upgraded it with SDS, the Paua cartridge, and upgraded record clamp, as well as the Transparent Reference MM2 phono cables. I appreciate everyone's opinions. Any other comments would also be welcome. Thanks.
Would anyone else like to comment? Does anyone have experience with a system similar to mine? Thanks.
I"ve heard the NuVista 800 once. I only heard it in balanced mode and it was powerful to say the least, but I went with the Ayre AX5/20 integrated instead. I felt it was much more natural with a deeper soundstage and a much lower noise floor which opens up everything else. I base my Ayre comments on the non 20 version as mine is in the que for upgrade to 20 status. I liked the Ayre over the MF integrated straight up and the 20 version will be much better.
I did spend a lot of time with the version 3 Sophias, Sashas and Alexandria's with the Ayre gear and they all sounded different which threw me off. I felt the Sophia's may have been the most musical. I like a more neutral and musical presentation that what I was getting the the Wilson line although I did like what I heard in specific areas. I need a coherent speaker that is clean sounding with no smearing. That's why I like Vandy's or Avalons or even some of the Verity line of speakers.