Driver Tubes 6922

I've heard a few people opining that the driver tube can be the most important tube.

Why is this?

What do you look for in a 6922?

What differences might I expect to hear replacing my modern GL e88cc with an expensive NOS 6922?

Any recommendations for a 6922  based on actual experience?







Ok, on the replacement tube from Brent and the other AT7.

1st night the new tube (no pun intended) was quite noisy intermittently which I have read is normal on an actual new tube :-), 2nd night the new tube quieted down but intermittently whistled in a very high pitch.

2nd day, the other At7 whistled on startup. I tapped the tube and it is fine now.

Hopefully the whistling will not be a normal occurrence as I woould like to replace the cover on my pre.

Anyway, there we have it. Sounding awesome at the moment.



For any tubeheads on this thread. Things are sounding sublime.

I replaced monoblock input AX7's, and the AT7's in the pre....

Should I even worry about the 6922's in the monoblocks?

Thoughts and experiences as to amp drivers?

I think because of logevity issues, I will stick with modern GLKT77 power tubes.




@tonydennison interesting I have not had those kind of noise issues with my many tubes. Any tube noise issue I have had was a sign of a bad tube and didn’t get better with use  …those GL KT 77 are fantastic tubes…no need to replace those until they wear out.  Get some 6922’s first.

Well everything is perfectly quiet now. Brent mentions actual unused tubes from past eras will make noise in the begining.

As to KT77's, yeah, they are great. Im thinking I should buy a couple more sets before the purposely demolished economy makes them unattainable.



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