Product: Sonus Faber Concertino Domus Bookshelf Speakers; w/ Stands

I bought these today from and they are about 15 years old but in apparently excellent condition. Anyone familiar with them as well as what they sold for back in the day.....with stands please?

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Hard to get a speaker that nice new, used , from any mfg for what you paid.    I second Yogi,  next time you need pricing check HiFI Shark

The prices for the speakers that other have quoted are about right for them when they were new. There were two versions of the stand - height adjustable and non-height adjustable.

The Concertinos remain sought after on the used market, especially the earlier non-Domus version, but not so much as the larger more expensive Concertinos.

The stands are quite rare and sought after especially the height adjustable version.

I can't thank you all enough. I have never seen a more devoted group of members who actually care. Maybe i can be helped by your recommendations. I am looking for speakers ,,,,bookshelf,,, which will give me more than adequate jazz and other genres but not paying a fortune. I have been down that block before. Wilson Sabrina, Nola, etc. I downsized in price and have a NAD M33 and VPI super scout master. I will get a power amp to run with my NAD AND JUST Want a strong set of reliable and musical speakers that I can find on line under $5000. Maybe I am looking a gift horse in the mouth and these will do the trick?