Major innovative break through: The new NSMT Loudspeakers reference speaker

In the next two weeks my Stereo Times review on the new NSMT Loudspeakers reference System Two will be posted. I wanted to give a heads-up to the GON members because I consider the System Two, which is composed of the Clairvoyant Monitor and SUB-DUO active band-pass subwoofer platforms to be a revolutionary break through both in performance and retail price $15,985. For example I compare the NSMT System Two to a great speaker, the Stenheim Alumine Five SE Dynamic Loudspeaker, and found the NSMT System Two to be superior in it's performance. Punch line- The Stenheim Alumine retails for $72,000! For all the details of why I came to the above conclusions take a look at the review when it is posted. 

Terry London (Teajay)


Hey fsonicsmith 1,

Excellent points/concerns regarding the review of your Zen Acoustic speakers by Fitzpatrick. So let's get to the "case at hand". For you to apply your overall perspective to my review I believe is disingenuous for the following reasons:

1) As stated all NSMT speaker cabinets are hand crafted in-house by Erol and he uses different hard woods depending on the model. 

2) Never made a statement, or implied, that the drivers are built in-house. Erol uses very high grade drivers from different sources. He will test scores of different transducers until he gets the measurement and sound he is looking for. If you contact Erol he will discuss with you were he scores his drivers and answer your other questions too.

3) I do not believe I use either hyperbole (exaggeration) or misinformation in this review or any of my reviews. My readers know what my personal taste is and what I'm looking for in the performance of a speaker. If you have a similar tastes you will probably immensely enjoy the speaker, if not you won't. 

4) You are correct in pointing out my omission of not sharing what other amplifiers I used to evaluate the NSMT System Two speakers. If you look at the end of the review you will see a list of all my in-house equipment. I have other terrific solid state amplifiers along with a great SET 300B amplifier and the System Two sounded superlative with all of them. The monitor's sensitivity is 94 dB so even low watt SET amps drive it with ease. Add on the band pass active subwoofers you got a very easy load for any amplification that you want to use.


Thanks, Teajay (Terry London)

Hey Sounds_Real_Audio,


I'm a little mystified about your question, " how do they sound". I believe I get into great details trying to explain what this speaker sonicly produces specifically in my review.

Did you read the review?

Thanks, Teajay

Hey fsonicsmith1,

I did not see your post about my review before because I was writing my response to it. I'm still glad I responded and answered your concerns. However, with your last post I now see where you really are coming from. Here's my rebuttal.

1) With your statement that I put "sound above craftmanship" because I written very positive reviews historically about  Tekton Design speakers, own a pair of Ulberth speakers, shows your negative bias that many have towards this brand.

2) I started writing reviews for fun and sharing here with members on the GON which lead to being offered a professional reviewing position. I consider the GON my "home" and have many great friends here. If I find a product that I think is superlative during the reviewing process I share it here. I get many Emails that give me feedback that this information is very helpful to fellow members who share my taste and believe in my honesty. 

3) Thank you very much for comparing me to one of the greatest "screwballs" of all time on the Gon. Coming from you this is a compliment. If you liked my writing I would be concerned I had lost my way.


Thanks, Teajay

While I appreciate teejay’s time and efforts in reviewing gear, reviews are nothing more than one’s perception of a particular gear performance within the context of their system. Their commentary or hyperbole should be taken with grain of salt :-)

This is John, Teajay is using my logon because his account has an issue. I heard these speakers at his place. I can tell you I have never heard a better sound ever.  I can also say from personal experience that Erol is a stand up guy, and understated if anything. He tries to build green because he cares not as a marketing gimic. Actually if you talk to Erol you will quickly understand he is the opposite of hyperbole.  He is a craftsman making the speakers in the US and he is honest. 
