@dwette I have worked with Plinth Materials for a long time(since the 90's).
I have evolved from Mass, leaving behind Granite Monolith type structures for a lighter material.
This endeavour has enabled myself to try out different materials as well as meet with others and receive demo's of their versions of a Plinth.
As a result I have been able to experience in use different Stone Types (inclusive of resin formed composites), Wood Based Types and in Two experiences where a Lead Composite and Solid Aluminium Metal is the Plinth.
On my preferred TT Model using the same Tonearm > Headshell > Cartridge > Mounting Rack > Audio System, the following has taken place.
I have been comparison demo'd a variety of Plinths produced from what was my most preferred material for many years, ( a highly compressed polyurethane foam @ 700Kg per m3) > (Birch Plywood @ 700Kg per m3) > ( MU 25 Beech Plywood - Non Resin Impregnated Compressed Board @ 900Kg m3) > (Panzerholz B25 - Phenolic Resin Impregnated Beech Plywood @ 1400Kg m3)
Each material in use is able to create a variant to the sonic being produced.
I own the MU25 and this was the first in use, it was not showing too much to be considered as a detraction.
The Birch Plywood followed and was instantly and noticeably unattractive in comparison to the MU25. It was easily deselected for further use, the owner of the Birch Plywood Plinth was quite astonished at how he was feeling sure the Plywood Plinth was a good material choice.
The Compressed Foam in comparison to the MU25 proved to be similarly voiced, , I was of the the view, the Foam was the more attractive material.
The owner of the Panzerholz Plinth was very familiar with MU25 as a Plinth Material as well, due to their past usage of the material.
Once having experienced the Panzerholz there was no further wanting to return to comparing any of the other materials.
The two non-P'holz Plinth Owners at this demo', of which I was one, are now owners of P'holz Plinths. The impact the material has had, has resulted, that it cost myself and the other individual £1000 to get a Board of P'holz into our possession to have a our Plinths Produced and have other options.
As a side: Linn's latest announcement for a TT, is making it known they are now to be using a Resin Impregnated Densified Wood.