Aavik U-150, U-180 or U-280

Dear users, i need your input on the following topic - which Aavik integrated amp to choose...

I-280 (no Dac, of course)

U-150 with Dac and phone, +1400 eur vs I-280

U-280 with Dac, +700 eur vs U-150

U-150 successor is U-180 or U-280? it's not clear to me; i have seen that amplification is the same in both series, differences are mostly on exterior looks i think.

I am inclined to pick U-150

Is Aavik D class integrated a good fit with Wilson Sabrina? a dealer of both products in Germany told me they are a good match.


Thank you!


Aavik U-150 Integrated Amp Review 2023. | (stevehuffphoto.com)        I was lucky enough to find a Demo U-150 like Steve did. The Phono MC pre that's built in is the best I've heard....period........The DAC that's built in is equiv. or better than my Audio Mirror Toubadour IV  SE......The 300 watt Pascal Class D amp sounds like a beautiful SET on steroids...If you can find one under 10 K....Snatch it up quickly. It will drive basically any speaker on the market to perfection....The Danes seem to really have a handle on what Music sounds like. Good Luck!

Aavik is soo expensive I would appreciate knowing what you guys had previously come from

Last year i purchased wilson sabrina (after owning 3-4 years Revel Performa F206, very very good speakers for their price).

With F206, i had Pass Int150 - very good match. But Int150 was not a very good fit on the bass side with Sabrina (probably due to low impedance dips, and power hungry); then i stepped up a notch to Plinius Sa 103 + Ps Audio Bhk pre, very sweet sounding, almost like tubes, but again, not enough juice for Sabrina.

Now i am using Peachtree Grand X Integrated - very good for it's price sh - good control on bass, good image and details at low and medium levels, but on higher levels sound is a little harsh, cannot listen more than 30 mins. 

So it is clear to me Sabrinas need at least 200w in 8ohm / 400 w in 4 ohms; a dealer which sells both Aavik and Wilson told me they are a good match, i will see and listen soon :)

Dac is Exasound E22, very good for its price sh.