I left my system standing while our last house was on the market. The horns needed to be custom crated--and the crates would not have fit through the door of the room. And where was I going to stash all the gear and records- at the time I had around 17k LPs-- I wasn't going to put that stuff in the basement despite dehumidification systems (and the horn crates would not fit through the basement door either).
I just told the realtor--make sure nobody touches the tubes or any gear. When I told him some of the prices, he blanched, but got the message.
The presence of the system did not, in my view, affect salability.
Once we went to contract, everything got packed, home theatre-- two 6 foot racks--were stripped of gear and disassembled, carpeted areas replaced, holes patched and painted. And we did it in whirlwind fashion. I packed the records myself, and supervised the packing of some of the heavier gear. Some was sent off to be checked by manufacturer before being put into a controlled storage facility (like they use for art). It was pretty exhausting but we delivered better than "broom clean" to the buyer and in a fairly collapsed time frame.