Going back to an earlier discussion where I asked advice regarding the use of tubes with electrostatics, I kind of abandoned the idea because a number of issues arose that were a little involved for me to get comfortable with. One of the main ones of these was the prospect of finding a tube amp with a 2 ohm tap and whether using the ZEROS at the 4 or 8 ohm tap would accomplish the same thing. Based primarily on Atmasphere's explanation I assume that both approaches are viable and equal(?) in their ability to handle these extreme loads. I'm not claiming any kind of complete understanding of the relationship of feedback to distortion or its control, but my gut tells me that the ZERO approach using "normal" taps from the amp would be the better choice, if for no other reason than having greater latitude in choosing an amplifier.
Once again, I find myself in a discussion that exceeds my experience and level of expertise but realize that just because I can't hear anything above about 8000Hz doesn't mean that those frequencies above that level don't contribute to distortion. However, in regard to those "shunt approaching" frequencies described, there are no musical instruments, at least in the base harmonic, that come near 20KHz. If my understanding is correct, then, does this mean that using the 4 ohm tap with the electrostatics may be acceptable at low to moderate volumes?
Once again, I find myself in a discussion that exceeds my experience and level of expertise but realize that just because I can't hear anything above about 8000Hz doesn't mean that those frequencies above that level don't contribute to distortion. However, in regard to those "shunt approaching" frequencies described, there are no musical instruments, at least in the base harmonic, that come near 20KHz. If my understanding is correct, then, does this mean that using the 4 ohm tap with the electrostatics may be acceptable at low to moderate volumes?