Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?

Your experiences?


JB71 isn’t wrong and doesn’t deserve ridicule. Here’s my take. We all hear differently. I enjoy clean, clear vocals, tight full bass, soundstage, the sound of the venue, etc., but simply cannot hear 1/10th of what many here do. Example…I use both Qobuz and Spotify but on most tracks, cannot tell the difference. I’ve swapped cables and cords on every piece of gear and detect nothing different. Or if it is different, it’s not enough to confidently state.

So much of this hobby is opinion and psychoacoustics. To those who can detect and appreciate the sound improvements from a carbon fiber switch plate cover or tinker toys under your cables, I’m jealous. I recently replaced a PrimaLuna amp for a Mac and Focal speakers for Revels. Big changes. Music still sounds great and is very enjoyable, but it was before too. But improvement? I can’t say.

So, ease up on Jason. He calls them as he sees them and I like that. Some will hear things others will not. It’s as simple as that. It’s important we appreciate the variability between people and that may be where Jason errs. But I suspect his opinions are honest

My thoughts.


I don’t think anyone needs to ease up on @jasonbourne71 @jasonbourne52. You got this backwards - he is actually the one ridiculing everyone else. He’s nothing more than a gum on a shoe with every power cord discussion. Look at his forum response history. It’s definitely time for him to STFU. 

@rockadanny in my experience, with every CD player, transport and streamers I had in my system, a good power cord made a difference. 

First off, thank you for the compliments. I've worked long and hard to cobble together a system which provides such happiness and joy. As for my post, I was hoping consensus would have been that it wasn't necessary to replace the stock PC on the CD player/transport. But, like so often in the audio biz, it seems I should at least try an upgrade to see if it makes an improvement, or changes anything. Thank you all for all opinions and relating your experiences. Once I clear my inbox and save some pennies I'll give it a go and report back. Thank you again, and as always, happy listening.

Good topic.  I was wondering the same thing.  I found lots of benefit upgrading PCs for my DAC and preamp.  I don’t have a way to try a new power cord without buying one.  Once again, a not so expensive experiment.