not what I’m saying at all. Yes, digital data is represented as 1s and 0s. But, it is transmitted as a voltage across a wire just like any other signal with a rise and fall to that signal that is interpreted as a 1 and a 0 when it reaches a certain value. You probably know that you can transmit digital data across an A/C circuit. The data is in there. With a whole lot of other signal.
I completely agree that the digital data received from a PC vs a streamer (a type of PC optimized for audio quality) will be identical. What I don’t agree with is that those two data streams must sound identical after being processed by a quality DAC. Direct experience tells us otherwise.
If you’re an audio fan pursuing better audio quality- which I presume most of the people who post here are doing, I’m just suggesting you challenge your belief and experiment.
Of course, it’s fair to point out not all systems will benefit. Certainly not all DACs will benefit. But, some do to great affect. I once held your view. But I tried something different and was pleasantly surprised.