USB DACs that outperforms OPPO 105D's internal DAC?

I have some music on an external USB drive.

I connect it to a USB input on OPPO, and it sounds good.

OPPO is connected to a TV and I select songs using OPPO's remote control.

The problem is, there are hundreds of albums and thousands of songs in the USB drive, and it takes time to scroll to the albums or songs I want to play.

I am thinking of two ways to solve the problem: Purchase a wifi USB dongle that will connect the USB drive to an iPad, and browse music using iPad. Another option is to connect the USB drive to a laptop and purchase an external DAC to sit between the laptop and a preamp. The laptop's video output will be connected to a TV and I can use a wireless mouse or keyboard to browse the music.

The second approach will be more expensive because I need to purchase a new DAC. Which DAC would you recommend that outperforms the OPPO's internal DAC at under $1000 used or new?

Would there be another option to play the music in the external USB drive?


Thanks for all comments.

Now I have more idea about playing music from USB drives and which devices are to look at under my budget.


I think it became a trend, maybe to show off how expensive stuff on has 🙄

Used Gustard R26 or Musician Pegasus would be the 2 dacs I would look at for around a grand. 

I put a $799 D.BOB with my used $200 OPPO. The OPPO has a bit of mechanical noise and what I have is a low-end device.

The D.BOB takes HDMI out from the OPPO and allows me to route decoded SACD DSD and CD into my DAC of choice. In my case, a $2200 Schitt Yggi+ Less is More.

This is an excellent way to keep your disc around and also stream.

The Ygggi+ is interesting in that it sounds great and also has 3 outputs. I have 2 headphone amps hooked up by RCA and my 2-channel Benchmark LA4 preamp taking XLR out from the Yggi+. I have Sonore OpticalRendu providing a beautiful fibre stream to the the Yggi+.

I can stream and listen to disks on all the 3 endpoints.




I did not like Oppo 105D DAC either. I suspect any other DAC will better it.


Happy Listening!