Optical Conversion Not Working, Please Help

Like the title says I’m having some trouble with my optical setup. I just got the last gadgets last night and hooked everything up this morning. I’m not sure where I’ve gone wrong and hoping to find some guidance. Here are the items I ordered. 






I’m using Audioquest Cinnamon Ethernet cable on each side. This was a used purchase so I don’t know for certain if they work or not.  

The converter on the router sides light indicators have the 1000m, TP, and power lit up. The TP light is solid not flashing. The manual states network connecting for solid and data transmitting for a flashing light. The converter on the r26 side shows the same thing except the 100m light is lit instead of the 1000m. 

It seems that my optical connection is where the problem is. I’m just not sure if I ordered incompatible items or if maybe one of them is faulty. I guess there’s the possibility that I hooked things up wrong but it seems pretty straightforward in that regard. Hopefully you guys can get me straightened out. I was really juiced to hook everything up this morning and hear what the fuss was about, but then nothing.






OP your Finisar transceiver is the issue as it is 10G,  the 10Gtek is not 10G compatible (has nothing to do with Cisco or Finisar.) You need to get a 10G compatible Media Converter Bridge to use this transceivers you purchased.     


Because the OP is confused by not understanding what he is trying to do. No need to call people names.  Maybe you can proceed without any knowledge, but I find a little bit helps. 



Why do folks do this? You are confusing the OP even more with your, yadda, yadda, yadda. He asked for an answer of a specific question he did not ask for a dissertation on Internet Protocols and Data Packs. 

Some folks just enjoy being disruptive. It's as when a guy asks for a phono cartridge recommendation, and a user tells him to get a streamer instead. Or the guy here who recently asked for DAC advice, and was told to buy a 4K TV and an "object based" sound system instead.

Or the guy here who recently asked for DAC advice, and was told to buy a 4K TV and an "object based" sound system instead.

Why buy a DAC that can only do channel based audio in 2023? It is like buying buggy whips in 1920 when the car was replacing horse drawn carriages.