Unfortunately it depends.
It depends on the components. It would be really helpful to know what your system is. There is a place to put photos and ID your components under your virtual system (To the right of Audiogon Discussion at the top is a downward pointed triangle). That would help enormously.
It sounds like @newbee is being pedantic. Yes XLR cables are balanced cables.
Typically, I find the quality of the interconnects are more important than whether they are single ended or balanced. Balanced are a bit louder… but this difference is not likely to net you a performance gain.
There is the theoretical best match, which is if your components are designed with an internal balanced configuration… then using balanced interconnects may sound better. But, they may sound the same. My equipment is full balanced, but using single ended interconnects sounded virtually the same.
Many good quality interconnects cost nearly twice as much as their single ended counterparts. If true, then you may achieve better sound using higher quality single ended interconnects.
The broader picture is that the industry is slowly moving , more and more toward XLR… so that is a better long termed investment. [I have high quality interconnects that are 40 years old… they are great to have when you upgrade your system] I finally converted to all balanced interconnects a few years ago… ~$12K. Did I hear a difference? No. But peace of mind.