Why Don't More People Love Audio?

Can anyone explain why high end audio seems to be forever stuck as a cottage industry? Why do my rich friends who absolutely have to have the BEST of everything and wouldn't be caught dead without expensive clothes, watch, car, home, furniture etc. settle for cheap mass produced components stuck away in a closet somewhere? I can hardly afford to go out to dinner, but I wouldn't dream of spending any less on audio or music.
In Music programs (Public, Private, Parochial, it doesn't really matter, but if you're interested, the Parochial fared the best, and I take no pleasure in saying it, because those gigs are the ones that pay the most execrably) kids can't be bothered with learning how to listen (both to themselves and to the group) critically anymore.  I have a small number who TRY and who GET IT.  They get annoyed by the "too bored to care" crowd and retention levels drop.  I tried to pitch towards the one's who "got it" but the other environmental "chaos generators" made it increasingly impossible.  Anything past that gets seriously OT.  But things (with respect to High Fidelity) are like they are for a reason.  Frederick Fennell taught two or three generations of Youth what was what.  And now, very few (if any) have any idea who he was or why they should care.  The guy whom Reagan quoted about gamers being the fighter pilots of tomorrow came out and said "oops, I was wrong".  It's contained in a Frontline series (regarding Education) and that subsection was called "Distracted By Everything".  Multitasking is a post modern myth.  One is great, two is doable and more than that are varying levels of "unremarkable".  Studying (reading/performing/interpreting) Music is one of the VERY few things that swings that needle back in the direction we'd all like to see it go.  (Kinesthetic learning is one area of research that bears this out....)  Off soapbox.  Sorry.....
Wow, this is a great thread and an astonishing read.
Everything in here is factual. To add my pennies worth 18 years after the inception of this thread I may be a little late in the game. FWIW here are my experiences. I started my audiophile journey in my early 20s with the best I could afford. Akai, Sony, Pioneer, Yamaha, Adcom, B&K, Krell, and culminating with Lexicon. Along with the electronics speaker upgrades were a natural companion such as RS, Fisher, Boss 901, Polk etc finishing with B&W. My early stereo days lost their way and ended up in HT. I was satisfied. I remember distinctly before HT going to friends and LISTENING to albums and enjoying it. After HT, we were all tuned in, it was a concert feast at concert levels. Social interaction declined to just kicking back together since any kind of comment could not be heard. It was fun but missing something. As I was the oldest I retired and had more time to just relax and listen. And I did just that. And as I did just that on my satisfactory HT I exponentially felt that what I thought was great sounding was no longer satisfying. HT was missing someting. Never having experienced the Tube sound I saved and purchased a integrated tube. Wow what a incredible ear opener that was. I again LISTEN to the music. With time on my hands I sit alone, just me and my system and I hear and feel all the nuance, inflection and mood of the artist (s), instruments and band interaction. I regained my audiophile concience lost to HT. My friends come over and proclaim the tube sound superior but soon are tired of just LISTENING and up come the concert DVD with all the sensory input and volume levels at the expense of audio quality and it’s purity. HT on the best equipment made cannot equal the joy of musical reproduction in a properly set up HE stereo system and environment. Visits for just LISTENING as before HT are non existent. Such is the lot of the audiophile. Alone with the music......... and it’s all good.

Maybe because most people don't want / use the classic stereo setup for music anymore?