PS Audio DLIII Cullen Mod IV versus Benchmark DAC1

Which would you prefer? My system could probably use a touch of warmth but I value accuracy and dynamics. Don't "need" USB but it may prove useful down the road. Don't need the pre functionality of the Benchmark, but the headphone amp is a nice to have.

I agree with Shardone - it depends on what kind of sound you want, your other equipment, and your room. Try the stock Benchmark on trial first. If you like neutral and it works with your setup, then you will be very happy with it. If you want more dynamics, a more liquid midrange, and deep, tight, and articulate bass, then the Cullen Mod DL3 is a stud. You will be very satisfied either way you choose.

For the record, I own the DL3 with the level 3 mod (my source already had a phase corrected coax, which is the difference between level 3 & 4 mods).
I'm surprised that there is not more buzz about this unit. It is so outstanding, it makes everything else sound like details are missing, bass is weak, and the sound is dead and grey-sounding.

I have the Stage IV, but I don't use the Nextgen rca outputs, because I run it balanced into a balanced preamp, and as a favor from Rick Cullen, I had Neutrik jacks put in when he built the unit, as the PS ones look like Neutrik, but they are from China. I actually have two identical units as I was going to put a second system together, but ran out of money and took a big cut in pay. It's sitting in the box doing nothing, but I'm having problems deciding to part with it, because these units are in a special class of their own.
You know, I agree with Kevziek, in that the Cullen Stage IV PS-III is in a different league than many of the DACs in that same price-range (and even beyond that range too), but I have heard from people who have listened to the new PS Audio PWD DAC, and I have also read reviews of this unit - and they all say the PWD is in a totally different league than the DL-III and the Stage IV upgrade – as well as the outrageous five-figure DACs – no names mentioned. I wish I was in a position to trade my Stage IV unit for the PWD. If you are open to spending $3,000, I would say to go with the PWD-or save up for a later purchase.