I stream 24/7. Do you?

I find long playlists on Tidal, set them on repeat, and stream 24/7 as background music (my office is right next, and kind of open, to my listening room). My system is solid-state, so I never turn it off anyways. Anyone else stream 24/7?


I do almost same even when I work from home. I normally run lots of Brian Eno scores. FSOL also great band for background music. 

All day. In the shower in the AM, in the car all day , at night....   I still play a few LPs here and there but I stream all day.   

I have a whole house audio system and will try this week-end, nice idea.

I automatically shutdown my ROON Core PC at 2:30AM. The PC bios is set to wake up the PC at 7:00AM for another day of music. Though the morning is for  great FM radio.