I’d say in general if someone posts and asks for opinions, anybody can offer their’s …..no rules attached. Then it’s up to the reader to figure out which ones matter to them and why.
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- 111 posts total
+1, indeed your room looks good, I tip my hat to your designer. There’s a reason why the worlds most renown equipment designers create their own products and charge more for it. This is a VERY interesting point, I also tip my hat to designers of gear that can create something MORE important than the room, the music, or the gear itself, they can create...customers. If they got 10,000% markups what do I care if the customer feels they got value, I got no beef with a good business model. If someone can do it cheaper, that's ok too. What we can debate are WHO are these designers? I have some hero’s right here that are DIY guys that don’t even own a company, but they got skills. But I gotta disagree on one point, you can’t get blood from a turnip. If the room sucks ain’t know gear that will make it unsuck.
The thing about rooms is yes they are what they are acoustically and tunings can be done to tweak that to various extents, but the decisions one makes regarding what to put into that room and how to achieve the best results possible need to be very well informed otherwise results will still vary all the way from totally awful to quite lovely and most rewarding. I have found that when it comes to acoustically challenged rooms, less can often turn out to be more. |
@calvinj systems, blows your stuff away for sure. Great, I’m happy if he’s happy, more power to him. He’s got a great story, being in the right place at the right time and then migrating into the business. He built what he wanted, I built what I wanted, they are different for sure. But I gots to tell you, my room does audio, channel and object based, throws up a 100 inch 4K image that pops, I got 4 sweet spots not one because of acoustic astuteness and a NAS drive full of movies, concerts and music. My two channel flows through a separate dac/pre/headphone amp that took five years for the top engineers at Sony to design with an unlimited budget straight into a pair of Paradigm legendary reference active 40 speakers. My object based preamp controls 9.3.6 channels of pinpoint soundstage with the latest object based music being dropped nightly into my system from Amazon and Tidal. Movies? Fuhgeddaboudit!! I can and do get a LOT of enjoyment. 😎
Thank you for the compliment- it took me a while to put this little space together simply because of the sound I wanted to achieve and the discretionary funds it took to make it happen. And yes, I think we can all agree that a well setup/tuned room is at the top of the list when going down this road. And for everyone else- swing by the music forum and check out the title I just listed under “What’s playing on your system today”, it’s awesome! (If you like that stuff) |
- 111 posts total