@calvinj systems, blows your stuff away for sure.
Great, I’m happy if he’s happy, more power to him. He’s got a great story, being in the right place at the right time and then migrating into the business. He built what he wanted, I built what I wanted, they are different for sure. But I gots to tell you, my room does audio, channel and object based, throws up a 100 inch 4K image that pops, I got 4 sweet spots not one because of acoustic astuteness and a NAS drive full of movies, concerts and music. My two channel flows through a separate dac/pre/headphone amp that took five years for the top engineers at Sony to design with an unlimited budget straight into a pair of Paradigm legendary reference active 40 speakers.
My object based preamp controls 9.3.6 channels of pinpoint soundstage with the latest object based music being dropped nightly into my system from Amazon and Tidal. Movies? Fuhgeddaboudit!!
I can and do get a LOT of enjoyment. 😎