Nakamichi CA-7A Preamp

I saw a SkyFi Audio You Tube video on this unit, and the build quality really impressed me, and was well done and takes through well. 

I decided to obtain one, and was blessed to get a remote, and yes I have only one key selector-button remaining on the front saying “CD”… but there just has never been an interior like they made these over (30) years ago, and I will never have to worry about the electrolytic capacitors.

My question is how did these get so far under the radar for very high quality preamplifiers? I honestly can’t say I’ve heard better and they pick this up for nearly $1000, thinking I over paid. But I think I would have to invest over $10,000 in today’s market to get this kind of sound, and very subtle bass, mid range, and treble adjustments, which are not traumatic, but very effective. I have Cornwall Heritage series and Dennis Had Inspire WE 300b amp. Great base, but a Rogue preamp with an Denafrips Ares ll are now expendable in what I’m now hearing. Just no comparison. Go figure. 


😊 I agree. Attenuation for this Pre is fabulous… so much more in recordings now to discern… feels like I was born yesterday and I’ll be 70 in the Fall. I am hearing a lots more detail with my Cornwall iv heritage series and this Pre. The amp doesn’t mean anything with the NAK CA-7A having last dibs to the sound. 

The Nelson Pass designed series for Nakamichi has always been very popular and very well thought of...and yes, if you bought from SkiFi ...

I have a NAK PA-7A MKII amp and a CA-7A pre. They are a phenomenal combo. The phono section in the pre is in a league of it’s own. I use an AT33PTG/II cart and it’s hard to describe how utterly clean the sound is.

The one weakness the pre has is the balance control may lose contact with the left or right channel when set in the mid position. Even after proper cleaning it only lasts about 6-9 months before the problem reappears.

Both units were manufactured in 1990; I purchased them used in 1998 for $2500.

BTW: The CA-7A is not a Nelson Pass design (the amp is) but it is based on Pass technology.  From the sales brochure for the CA-7A .... We developed a direct coupled output stage using a complimentary-symmetry emitter follower with a current bootstrap.  Same principles as in Stasis amplification.


Best money I ever spent.


yesssss! I was happy to get the CA-7A pre. I bought it off of a fellow in Texas who knew his stuff and back-and-forth messaging on eBay. I knew it was the real deal because he knew all about the inner portion of this amplifier. I also got a remote control that works even though I only have one CD button on the front it doesn’t matter. And I don’t even have a turntable yet, but I am thrilled to use it with my Dennis Had Inspire western electric 300B into my Klipsch Cornwall IV’s. Game over. Bluesound Node 3, SVS MICRO 3000 SUB. I think my disease has come to an end lol.