Request opinions on SACD/CD Players.

I am currently concidering buying an Ayre C-5xe, or an Marantz SA7-S1, or an Sony SCD-1, or perhaps just a Cambridge 840C. I hope I got it right that the Ayre, Marantz, and the Sony can play both SACD and CD. Would like to hear opinions on how these players perform with both SACD and CD compared to each other. Would like to know how CD playback compares to the Cambridge 840c. Would like to know how each one of these players upsamples or oversamples CD to what sampling rate and what type of DAC is utilized for CD playback. Would like to know, based on this knowledge and sound quality for CD and SACD, CD for Cambridge, which provides the best value for the money. Please include details on the technical as well as sound quality of the equation.

Can't comment on the sound of the Cambridge, but I just ordered the Lexicon RT-20 a current model being discontinued. Its MSRP was $4995 and dealer cost was around 3K, but you can get one new for $900-$1000. Excellent CD and SACD sound quality. This is a universal player so will play DVD as well, no blu ray though, check it out at the Lexicon website.
As an owner of a C5xe I can cast my vote. I have had Marantz players but not the expensive ones. they sound good and I also own a Denon 5910ci and it uses the same burr brown chipset as the Ayre. But something else is going
on as the Ayre sounds better on every front.
Bias opinion of course.
Musical Fidelity makes one of the best , which can be bought used on AG. Check the reviews.