Can't get Acoustic Zen Adagios to sound smooth

I have owned a pair of Acoustic Zen Adagios speakers for over 4 years. They can sound very good, BUT also have a HARD AND UNSMOOTH sound when playing certain CD's. I have changed electronics from separates to an integrated amp, and recently purchased a Ayre CX-7e to replace a Rega Apollo. The Ayre easily highlights the limitations of the Rega player and outperforms it.

Nevertheless, the hard and unsmooth sound seems to prevail. It can also sound like an acoustic overtone, and (I think )the music looses its bloom or musicality. The current living space is well damped with maps,and rug hangings on the walls. I also have two 6 ft tall bookcases that contain only 70% less books than my previous apartment These shelves are in the corner, perpendicular to the speaker on each side of the room.

I encountered this problem before in a different and smaller living space.

I also recently changed speakers cables from a 4 year old pair of Audio Art SC-5 to a brand new pair of Grover Huffman which seemed to be slowly breaking in and are more detailed than the AA cable. I also replaced the standard wimpy power cord of the Ayre player with Panagea's new 14SE MKII power cord designed for just components, not amps. The Panagea PC is excellent, and has dropped the noise floor allowing for more detail to emerge. I drive the Adagios with the Rogue Sphinx hybrid integrated amp (100RMS)whose PC was replaced by an Acoustic Zen Tsumani Plus power cord.

I am beginning to wonder if there is another speaker that might provide a smoother top end performance and still have the taut bass, and detailed mids of the Adagios. Will appreciate all and any advice, even new speaker recommendations. Thank you
Zd542; Sorry fellows, I occasionally lose my temper and don't like to use profanity on our blog. However, sometimes, it is necessary to drive a point home.

BTW, NO MORE MOVES EAST OR WEST, though I do miss Hawaii. I now live in Southern Cal where every one is just too laid back. I guess I may be asked by the governor to leave the state for failing the "good vibes" test

To Almarg and Soix, you are probably right about changing up the two tubes in the output section of the Rogue hybrid. integrated. I almost bought the Rogue Cronos Magnum last year, but even on sale from a NY state dealer, it cost $900.00 more. and, though biasing was a snap, I did not want to get on the "tube rollers" merry-go-round I forgot who offered the advice about getting the Ayre CX-7e upgraded to the "mp" version. That will be put in motion soon. Thanks for the advice!!!
Though if you want smooth, the Vandersteen dealer's recommendation of Vandersteen and Cardas would sure get you there. I do not like the Vandersteen 2 or 3 series and do not like Cardas cable. Spoke to Richard Vandersteen years ago and he was extremely pleasant, friendly and helpful, and talked to me a long time.
Sunnyjim, there is absolutely no need to be rude. After all, you created this topic, because you need help. And others, myself including, are trying to make the right suggestion.

I'm only speaking from the perspective of my experience.
As for class D, it's not about their compatibility, it's how you like that particular sound. And seems that you are not.

I see you're getting upset, so no more words from me on the matter.
Wow, talk about a rude and mean thread. We all are emotional about our equipment. I get that. We all shill what we own and many of us will discuss products that have impressed us that we've heard. We all have ideas and if you are posting and asking a question on here, then you need to realize you will get a different answer from nearly everyone.

My first and only thought is that if you don't like your system as it's not giving you (you add what it's not giving you consistently) and you've changed other components around it, out, then change the component you don't seem to like. You have even said the AZ's are too big for you. Then look for smaller speakers, but as AC so aptly put it, you'll chase your tail forever. If you are looking for neutral and musical mids the AZ may not be what you want. I've heard three of their speakers over the years and none gave me the mids nor the flat highs that I personally enjoy. They had great bass though. Very strong bass in fact. Some folks love the highs and lows and hate Bose (sorry, this thread needed some levity) and AZ delivers that in spades.

As for Richard, I met him while in the Navy in SD at Audio Unlimited (still open). Bruce, the owner was an awesome guy and many of us bought gear through him. I was in there when Richard was showing off his 2's and they sounded really great for the price. He took his time and explained all about them as well as his company. He was a very nice person. He had a great sense of humor, but yes, he's to the point. I met him again in the late 90's (I ended up with Proacs instead of Vandys when I could finally get better speakers a few years later). Again, he was straight shooting and nice. Opinionated and passionate about his product??? YES....but not a jerk and he wasn't rude.
I now happen to own Vandy's and have met and spoke with him a few times at events and he's been more than gracious. If he really was a jerk, he couldn't turn it on and off like that. I know a few who know him well and they love the guy. He has passion. Wish more did. That's one reason I love this hobby ...folks are passionate about it.

I was once told that once you have to resort to using profanity in an argument you have lost. Jim, I'm sure you're a great guy yourself, but you have no need to swear at someone who has passion and is trying to help you. It's not like AC is getting the sale here folks.

My suggestion is to go out to local dealers and audition speakers in your price range and see if there is anything that you do like. If you can somehow look past how any of them look, you'll probably find something soon. That Ayre is KILLER and deserving of a great speaker and amp with neutral cables to get the most out of it. Good luck, I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for with an open mind.

You are correct that if he wants "smooth", Vandersteen 2 or 3 is the way to go. Very bland, but not offensive sound would be his.
