Can't get Acoustic Zen Adagios to sound smooth

I have owned a pair of Acoustic Zen Adagios speakers for over 4 years. They can sound very good, BUT also have a HARD AND UNSMOOTH sound when playing certain CD's. I have changed electronics from separates to an integrated amp, and recently purchased a Ayre CX-7e to replace a Rega Apollo. The Ayre easily highlights the limitations of the Rega player and outperforms it.

Nevertheless, the hard and unsmooth sound seems to prevail. It can also sound like an acoustic overtone, and (I think )the music looses its bloom or musicality. The current living space is well damped with maps,and rug hangings on the walls. I also have two 6 ft tall bookcases that contain only 70% less books than my previous apartment These shelves are in the corner, perpendicular to the speaker on each side of the room.

I encountered this problem before in a different and smaller living space.

I also recently changed speakers cables from a 4 year old pair of Audio Art SC-5 to a brand new pair of Grover Huffman which seemed to be slowly breaking in and are more detailed than the AA cable. I also replaced the standard wimpy power cord of the Ayre player with Panagea's new 14SE MKII power cord designed for just components, not amps. The Panagea PC is excellent, and has dropped the noise floor allowing for more detail to emerge. I drive the Adagios with the Rogue Sphinx hybrid integrated amp (100RMS)whose PC was replaced by an Acoustic Zen Tsumani Plus power cord.

I am beginning to wonder if there is another speaker that might provide a smoother top end performance and still have the taut bass, and detailed mids of the Adagios. Will appreciate all and any advice, even new speaker recommendations. Thank you
"Well, AC if that is how you see the world of customer service in defense of that twerp, then you both can go fuck yourselves. Who the fuck do you think you are lecturing me, and even Mr. Shakey about "time spent or time wasted". I did not realize that the Audiogon membership produced a new Adam Smith educating us country bumpkins about the efficiency of work and the resulting "wealth of nations" "

I thought I was bad! You're way worse than me. Actually, you're way worse then me and MR. Shakey combined. If you ever move again, come on out to NYC. You'll fit right in here.
Changing speakers is a slippery slope, but you have hung in there for 4 years which is a credit to your tenacity and patience. I suggest to you that moving amps in and out of the home is a much simpler process than moving speakers in and out. Your speakers have a good and long reputation. If I were you, I would work at finding the proper amp for the speakers that will smooth them out. You could try asking Robert Lee of AZ and see what he suggests in the way of amplification. He is very cordial and accommodating in his communication. You may want to research online what AZ has used at the audio shows to power the Adagios too. My years of experience in changing out speakers taught me that I let some perfectly fine speakers go. And, the source (cd or cd player)makes all the difference in the enjoyment of the speakers. Don't blame the speakers.
Zd542; Sorry fellows, I occasionally lose my temper and don't like to use profanity on our blog. However, sometimes, it is necessary to drive a point home.

BTW, NO MORE MOVES EAST OR WEST, though I do miss Hawaii. I now live in Southern Cal where every one is just too laid back. I guess I may be asked by the governor to leave the state for failing the "good vibes" test

To Almarg and Soix, you are probably right about changing up the two tubes in the output section of the Rogue hybrid. integrated. I almost bought the Rogue Cronos Magnum last year, but even on sale from a NY state dealer, it cost $900.00 more. and, though biasing was a snap, I did not want to get on the "tube rollers" merry-go-round I forgot who offered the advice about getting the Ayre CX-7e upgraded to the "mp" version. That will be put in motion soon. Thanks for the advice!!!
Though if you want smooth, the Vandersteen dealer's recommendation of Vandersteen and Cardas would sure get you there. I do not like the Vandersteen 2 or 3 series and do not like Cardas cable. Spoke to Richard Vandersteen years ago and he was extremely pleasant, friendly and helpful, and talked to me a long time.
Sunnyjim, there is absolutely no need to be rude. After all, you created this topic, because you need help. And others, myself including, are trying to make the right suggestion.

I'm only speaking from the perspective of my experience.
As for class D, it's not about their compatibility, it's how you like that particular sound. And seems that you are not.

I see you're getting upset, so no more words from me on the matter.