New Aurender conductor V4 app

Just downloaded and am trying out the new version of Conductor.I like a few things about it immediately,mostly the added link to Wikipedia for artist info, but am not wild about having to make two actions instead of one to add a new song to the playlist. I get why you need to do that for the new features but Its a bit clunky.I think I,ll probably prefer it long term ,but just getting used to it now.Anyone else have any thoughts?


Does the new Aurender conductor V4 App provide album sorting options for Qobuz favorites?

For example, can I sort my albums in alphabetical sequence by artist name, date added, alphabetical sequence by album name and date added.

What new features does it have?  What else can it connect to beside Tidal and QoBuz?


Does V4 have the Playlist Editor?  I cannot find it.  Won’t like it if it has been deleted. 

I updated to V4 today but I having trouble adding a song to a Qobuz playlist. If I do a search and find an album and I want to add a song from it to one of my playlists I can’t. When I tap the 3 dots it says add to playlist, but the Qobuz playilst do not appear anymore. Is there a trick?

I used the V3 on my phone. V4 for the phone seems nearly identical. I haven’t used the new version enough on my iPad to have any firm opinions yet. On balance, I find it very simple to use and have been happy.