Service After the Sale

Does service after the sale mean anything to you?  It certainly does to me and has a tremendous impact on my future purchases. This week I sent three emails to three different vendors regarding their equipment that I had purchased or intend to purchase.  Yesterday (Wednesday) morning I emailed Alvin at Vinshine Audio regarding a question about a Denafrips DAC.  I had an answer early this morning (Thursday) when I woke up.  This by the way has been typical for me when corresponding with Vinshine. I've never waited more than a day for a reply.

On Monday I emailed two other vendors regarding their products.  Today (Thursday) I have not received replies from either one.  Isn't three (3) days long enough to allow for a reply.  These are not small vendors and interestingly are vendors who i've seen favorable reviews about.  That's why I choose to deal with them. I won't mention names, at least not yet.  That's not the intention of this post. I will email both again. I know that small, one or two person operations sometimes may not reply as quickly as you may like.  And then of course there are the people who never reply.

I know there have been several other posts like this on A'gon.  But I think Alvin and Vinshine deserve another shout out. I also know where my future purchases will be directed.  Do you?  


@vthokie83  pretty amazing isn’t it.  You have to wonder how some of these guys stay in business. Then again many do not.  But then again you have to wonder why  many of these same dealers piss and moan about how the online dealers are taking their business away.  Duh, wake up and smell the roses.  It’s called customer service.

Hopefully some of the vendors that fall into the “improvement needed” category will read this thread and learn something.  But on the other hand why would they, it’s easier just to trudge along in their set ways and continue to complain about it.

and many online dealers offer no support worst was a Nuprime transport dying under warranty and no assistance from Nuprime or Audio Advisor...


Here's hoping. They are selling a commodity and a service, if you don't add anything to the equation why would I pay your mark up? My ideal dealer: friendly, courteous, knowledgeable, and honest staff. Trade up program. Loan or try out period. Good selection of products. Repair service, or at least assist with repair. Clean and organized show and listening rooms.

I know that is a lot to ask, but if I'm paying a 30%, 40%, 50%, or 60% mark up.....that is my baseline. Otherwise I'll buy direct, and sell second hand online if I need to.