Curious Why Benz Micro Slid Into Obscurity

I remember there was a time when Benz Micro was one of the more prominent cartridge manufacturers out there. The Ace and Glider sure were popular cartridges. Then there was a hiatus in production. The company recognition seems to have never recovered. There are still new cartridges for sale on the various sites. But none of ther upper tier cartridges seem to gather the same recognition or praise that the earlier cartridges did. 

Is perception of them changed that much, or is it the fact that the brand has aged out? Are the designs that dated to where people no longer believe quality and value are there?


What’s written here is hardly of statistical significance, even if your casual observation is accurate. For one thing, the topic of “what cartridge “ as posed here usually is to a price point of $1K or less. The top Benz cartridges ain’t cheap.

@lewm You have statistical support for the claim that "what cartridges" are at a price point of $1K or less? Even so that category used to be one where the ACE was a major player. Looks like the current model is about $900.

It just struck me as odd that such an iconic company has become so unnoticed. Perhaps this is not so on the European boards, I do not frequent them. But on the sites I have visited they are rarely discussed anymore, at least that is what I see.


PS The top models of any moving coil manufacturer ain’t cheap either.

I’ve owned several Benz over the past 15 years, still do. They’re consistently excellent (starting with Ace on up) and compete very well. I really like Benz - generally preferring them to their Euro counterparts Ortofon and VdH. I feel that the lower half of the Swiss-made line (Ace, Glider, Wood) is particularly strong on value. The ruby-plate models aren’t really my thing but they’re very nice too.

There was some sort of fallout with their NA distributor Musical Surroundings, circa early 2010s IIRC. Afterwards, gray market (e.g. far east) or used market was the way to get them here. Lots of rumors over why this happened - ranging from issues with the proprietor, to an inability to keep up with demand for this market (and no desire or ability to scale up). They say Mr. Lukaschek auditions every single Benz cartridge before it goes out the door.

More recently (since 2017-ish?) they were distributed in NA by Sierra Sound. I don’t know the current status of that, but Benz released a new Zebrawood model as recently as 2020 (it’s an updated replacement of the old Wood model). I believe Ace, Glider, and Wood models were discontinued during these years.

Of course Benz not being sold in NA for several years killed the review cycle. You certainly don’t see them being hyped by mags or online like (say) Hana. If they did get hyped like that, it’s quite possible they couldn’t keep up with demand anyways.

There may be rumors recently circling AGAIN about the status of Benz. I just heard something concerning on a Facebook group (0 verification so don't ask). And of course, Mr. Lukaschek is at that age, similar to Fumihiko Sugano of Koetsu (RIP).

@mulveling Thanks for the post. It is informative.

I find it intriguing that they build their cartridge frames out of brass versus many of the more exotic materials being used. The LP and LP-S looks to sell.for $5K which is not terribly high in the world of exotic upper tier moving coil cartridges.