Yes, we are pretty much back to an updated Karna circuit with more modern power supply topology, and custom wound iron everywhere. I listened to every possible variant of the circuit and it is obvious that removing all coupling caps and going with all transformer coupling walks all over any other variant in pretty much every way. We are now using custom wound Monolith Magnetics iron for power and output transformers, and Cinemag interstage transformers. The chassis is much wider than the shoebox amps displayed at the Pacific Audio Fest in Seattle. Spatial will change the look slightly, but the layout and size will be the same. There are reasons for the layout, which makes for very short signal path at all sections and also has complete isolation of the power supply from the signal part of the amp. They are just about ready to build in quantity and I would expect them to be available in November or December if all the vendors meet their production schedules for parts. I will say that I cannot listen to anything else now. I am spoiled..... everything else sounds dull and coloured to me now and I have pretty much cleared my house of all other amps and preamps. We shall see what others think!
I cannot seem to post a photo of the final prototype, but will upload to my old website and see if I can post a link to that photo eventually.