To condition or not ?

Hello All,

    In the owners manual for my newly purchased Origin Live Resolution TT they state ; “ Plug the motor pod into a mains plug. We suggest omitting mains conditioners , filters or anything with surge protection as these can be highly detrimental for performance. The aforementioned items inflict no damage so you can experiment with their inclusion if you wish”. Ummm…I’m  confused ? I have an audioquest integra 1200 conditioner. Is there some reason not to use this for the TT? They seem to contradict themselves ? 
Thank You All.


Niagara 1200 is one that has been reported many times to limit amp performance.

Line conditioning the cheaper ones surprises current ,they should tell you how. Many watts total.

the AQ Niagra  5000 is excellent , the Puritan ,very good except their cheap brass sockets copper night and day less resistance 3x better conductor 

I told them this through deaf 👂 ears, Shunyata upper line very good.

“reported many times to limit amp performance“

How can it limit amp performance? Not being argumentative, just curious to learn.

My understanding is that a basic regenerator will provide stability for the electricity supplying the motor. I have one dedicated to the tt.