Not sure for power conditioner my amp or not.

Hi, I have an VTA ST-120 I built using KT88C’s for my 2 channel. I have all my equipment running through a Torus Power TOT MAX Toroidal Isolation. I have heard 2 different versions on what to do. As far as what to plug my amp into. The wall or the TOT’s? I know this isn’t a "power conditioner" such as PS Audio sells. Should I keep everything plugged into the TOT, so all my grounds are the same and it has the optional surge protection? Or straight into the wall? I tried the wall once, but didn’t hear a difference really. But I didn’t test for long and not sure I ever got to the point of drawing too much power from the amp. Which is the best way to leave it? Thanks! Scott

VTA ST-120


With a big honking transformer power supply, I would just plug it in. Toss a ferrite on the power cord if it makes you feel good. I have a whole house suppressor which if you can do, is highly recommended.  If not, I would look at the amp schematic and see if they properly did any surge and RF internally. It amazes me how any product above the price-spec only market fails to do proper AC input design. 

If you have a toroid transformer, a DC blocker is a good idea. Nothing wrong with a reputable power strip with RF filtering and surge suppression.  I have used Iso-Max, Trip-Lite and Monster strips. Reputable, actual engineering. 

None of that is going to make it sound any better. Just safer. I have not lost any audio to surges, but two stove control boards, two TVs and one computer.  My audio is all old school with transformer inputs except my new DACs


Your post represents what I love and hate about the internet. I love it because your question is clearly communicated and others with relevant experience donate their time and expertise to answer your question. The negative is that you are the one with all of the equipment, including your ears, to answer the question that you pose. To rephrase your post…. I trust the ears of others that I don’t know, more than I trust my own ears, so tell me what to do. My power amps are plugged into a very expensive conditioner. I also have a whole house surge protector. I live in an area with frequent lightening storms, so the isolation is important. My suggestion to you is to decide how important surge protection is to you and then trust your ears more than people that you don’t know. Try answering your own question by listening. If you can’t tell the difference, then great. Go with the added surge protection.

I love the “edit” function, because one other thing entered my thoughts.  Maybe, your question wasn’t stated clearly.  Maybe, you are stating that with a short A/B you could not hear a difference, but you would like to try a longer comparison and wanted suggestions as to what to listen for and perhaps, what to use as source material…ie….music.

I posed this same question directly to Shunyata, as I have a Hydra 6, and the response from the factory was as follows:

"What you've heard about amplifier performance into and out of power distributors (ours included) is accurate. We will most always recommend that customers try their amp into our products and compare that directly to the wall outlet."


Great sensible advice.

I plug my amp and everything else into the Black Lion PG-2R. Dedicated high current plugs, regulator and high surge protection. No difference in sound between directly into wall or conditioner. Trust your ears and balance it out with your priorities. Nobody can possibly have the golden answer for your specific system and location.