CDP's being dumped for hard drive driven units?

I may be mistaken but the past few weeks (months?) it seems some darn nice cdp's have appeared in the classifieds, at prices that are more and more attractive. Is it a sign of the economy, or are more 'philes moving to a hard drive music server? I don't know the answer, probably no one does but is this a trend noticed by others?
Not now, but when 1TB Solid state drives start selling for $100-$150...then maybe, but will still have a SACD/CD player.
SS drive is included in new ASUS .......
like this one for around $400.
My buddy bought one and couldn't be happier. It isn't exactly MacBook Air but close....... considering that it was made by total screw-ups and runs on greed driven operating system.
SS drives are quite a leap forward but keep in mind that these are first generation models and you will never catch up with either software or hardware.
It is a loose-loose situation for customers always.

As to SACD as a format............they come and go - who knows what will they come up with next to screw us again. As far as I am concern, "Red Book" and LP is my format of choice and will be for quite some time.
I don't think they are going away any time soon, fortunately. At least I hope so. I hate change...
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