Probable PayPal Claim


I posted this question on someone else’s ongoing thread where PayPal was in question. So I’m starting my own thread here in hopes of getting someone in the know to answer.

Fortunately I have not had a PayPal problem up until maybe now. I just purchased a DAC on USAM . Paid using PayPal (not f&f) so I’d have protection in case I needed it. Well it looks like I may. DAC arrived and all functions do not work, as advertised. It was properly packed same as it came from the factory and box was perfect so very unlikely it could be blamed as shipping damage. It was listed 10/10 and the seller through presale emails reconfirmed everything worked properly. I’ve demanded he take the unit back and give me a full refund. It’s been several days and now the seller is saying he’s waiting to get authorization to send it back to the manufacturer for warranty repairs, which is not my problem, before he refunds my money. I’ve run out of patience and considering filing a PayPal claim. If I file a claim, and can substantiate it, which I can, does anyone know if PayPal will refund my money or at least freeze the funds until we reach a resolution?


I fund my PayPal account with a PayPal MasterCard. Not only to I get a couple points back, when I have an issue, and I have, they are right on it. I recently found numerous small fraudulent PayPal account transactions going back several months. I reported it to PayPal and got nowhere. I reported it to MasterCard and I received full restitution (almost $500) within a week. Along with a new MC. 

We passed in cyberspace!

 Sounds like you are on the right path. Hang in there. 

@panzrwagn interesting concept.  Once this one is done I think I'm through with PayPal for a while .

@oregon 👍

File a clam , then call them during the week ,weekends having answering service of idiots.  Ask the claims dept, what to do. You for sure have to send it back ,provide tracking , once it’s delivered back ,maybe before they will credit you back .