Mental and auditory acuity, and aging

Mental and auditory acuity, and aging

Once we hit 60 or concerns change. Besides the obvious ones, I wonder if our ability to stay in the moment and enjoy music lessons. Heaven forbid.

I thank my mother for opening my eyes to healthy food as a boy. I’m 70 at the moment, and as mentally sharp as ever. I remember eating alfalfa sprouts instead of lettuce. I can still hear the jeers at cafeteria, “Look, he’s eating grass.” I smiled secretly and watched them eat their white bread ham sandwiches and guzzle their Cokes.

I know this is off our usual topics, but after a lifetime of ‘not indulging’, and researching health, I’d be happy to share a few things that really help to keep my mind sharp. I don’t feel it is correct to name the regime or products here. If you’d like to know, just PM me. I’m not affiliated with any of the products. I’m hoping admin will allow this.


thecarpathian made my week, that article is basically a replica of my diet. No wonder my hearing is still very good at 69, even so I have tinnitus.

So many people think they can somehow control the aging process and maybe they can, but at the individual level luck/genetics are bigger factors.  You can drink, smoke and not exercise and still make it to 90, or you could abstain from all vices and die at 32.  It happens!  In the end do what makes you most happy in both the short and long term.  It also really helps if you have money and access to good health care services.

If eating 🥓 makes me happy, I’m going to eat 🥓.  If listening to Kenny Barron makes me happy, I’m going to listen to Kenny Barron.

Period, end of story.