DACs with switchable high/low gain (output) settings

I know that Benchmark, RME, Chord (Qutest) and Burl offer this feature.  What other DACs do you know of that have it?

I'm not talking about variable output, especially not controlled in the digital realm, but two or three fixed switchable settings.




PsAudio Dacs have 20Db attenuation, wish it were 10Db. I think their latest dac has several level options.

The new Weiss DAC204 has four possible outputs from it base output to plus 10db,  20db and 30db options.  

Geshelli J2 dac has 3 position gain control.

Several very good reviews on YT on this dac for its price.

Cheap Audio Man is one.

I had very good customer service from them. A mom pop team in FL.