amp for vandersteen Quatro maybe vandersteen 5a

After listening to v. Quatro have decide to go with this speaker. Need help on choosing amp and pre amp.Thanks
Ayre is a very popular choice. That's what I use. A V-5 and a K-5 would be hard to beat. But you should still listen to them first. Just because I like them doesn't you'll feel the same way. Aesthetix is a good choice if you want to use tubes.
What amp and preamp were you listening to on the Vandersteen speakers that made you like them?
AR Tube is what I was going to recommend. Commonly matched together. Cheers,

I have heard these speakers on several occasions. Solid-state or Tubed, it is up to you- whichever way you go, get out there and listen, listen and listen to the offerings from Aesthetix, ARC or Ayre.

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!