Dunlavy SC IV A harsh high frequency

I have owned my SC IVA for many years. I replace the blown tweeters at least once a year. I know the original set were carefully matched at the factory but I can not duplicate the tecniques which John used in his shop to optimize response. The speakers sound glassy and I wonder if this is as a result of tweeters I have installed but would have been rejected by John. I have done a lot of work with room treatment,changing source, components, etc...
Are there any recommendations for fixing this issue?
Replace the Vifa tweeters with more expensive ones?
You may want to think about having your crossovers rebuilt.
Your Dunlavy's may be 15 years old. Capacitors generally have a ten year life cycle.
So depending on use, they may need replacing.
BTW, the SC IVA is on my "Top 5" favorite speakers list!
UNless there is a known defect with the tweeters, blowing them once a year would seem, (IMO) an indication that your amp is underpowered for your needs and that you are driving it into clipping, which will fry the tweeters pretty quickly.
What kind of SPL levels do you listen at? Are you concerned to any degree about retaining your hearing? If you are harming your ears, the "glassy" sound could be associated with hearing loss. Hopefully not, but if you already have tinnitus, you may want to reconsider what you are doing, besides simply replacing tweeters.

Hopefully I'm wrong about your situation.

OTOH, if the problem is not hearing loss, there is a figurative world of difference between cheap and high quality drivers. You admit it yourself when you state the manufacturer would not accept the tweeters you are using. You are likely hearing that qualitative difference. One can attain harsh sound quite cheaply.