Help, Frustrated with Horn output

To you many experts out there. I have a two way speaker, horn and sub ( altec model 19).

Horn goes intermittently out for extended periods of time.

i changed the diaphragm, no luck. Changed the crossover, worked for awhile then no output after a couple of days. I did use a new preamp/amp at first figuring issue must have started there so I eliminated the previous gear out of the equation.

Would really appreciate some suggestions about this issue I’ve been pulling my hair out for months on. Been a lurker for years on the site and know theres a lot smarter people out there than me.

Thanks in advance 


You can try the battery test. Connect a 9v ( what I use ) ( or an AA, C, or D battery straight to the tweeter, bypassing the crossover, and see if it stays on. This will tell you if it is or not the tweeter. My best, MrD.



By the way, not sure if this would help you, but you can use Dayton DATS to fully chart the impedance of your speaker. If you can compare one side to the other, or have a published impedance curve you can use it to fully diagnose the speaker and crossover.

Another diagnostic approach is to swap components L to R and see when the problem moves with the swap.




This model looks like it has potentiometers to adjust the high frequency level. My first thought are that the pots are dirty or corroded. Try some contact cleaner on them and run them back and forth a number of times. If really bad, they may need replacement.