Bacch Dsp, True stereo?

The latest gimmick seems to be eliminating cross talk as a way to achieve true stereo.

Seems very expensive and works with any speaker.

Another layer of complexity.

Anyone have an opinion on this new fad? Seems a bit neurotic to me


It sounds like a glorified DSP system. Subject to all kinds of tweaking. Has anyone seen the interface? Seems installation would be somewhat problematic.

Dsp interfaces are notoriously annoying to deal with. I don’t feel like sitting down with the laptop every time I sit down to listen to music.

Every single piece of music is different, so this means you got a tweak every single piece of music. Of course if you tweak one piece of music, you’ll be tempted to tweak things for another piece of music not sounding as good. 

It all gets back to quality of recording which varies substantially. If you have a really good system these differences and sound quality are less of a problem. Quality amplifier, preamplifier, streamer of course speakers.

If your system needs to improve, I'd spend the money on a better quality piece of equipment rather than this dsp System.

Incredible... It is evident you had read nothing  and describe not what are the BACCH filters...

You describe the BACCH filters as a mere other  dsp among others  without even knowing what they do...

Before speaking READ...

Does this site and science articles of Choueiri lab appear marketing to you?



It sounds like a glorified DSP system. Subject to all kinds of tweaking. Has anyone seen the interface? Seems installation would be somewhat problematic.

You’re so far off base it’s downright silly and you’re now embarrassing yourself.  Maybe go read something about this rather than throwing out ridiculous and totally ignorant statements.  

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