
Thanks to all that responded in my recent post regarding my digital front end!

Many of you suggested Aurender for a streamer. I have found a demo unit that will eat up the majority of my $5,000 budget not leaving me much money for a new DAC.

I thought it was the DAC that was the most important item in the digital chain.

Any thoughts on this? Thank you!



IMHO you’ve got a very nice DAC that’ll convey the benefits of a great streamer, so I’d go for the Aurender, EVO, etc. and upgrade the DAC later as funds permit. Just my $0.02 FWIW.

I stretched for the Aurender N-200 in April, it was a great decision, I am very happy with it. System in my profile. I have the Black one. I suggest you contact Juan at @Blisshifi for pricing on a unit. He sold me mine.

@navyachts Yep,upgraded to an Aurender N200 from their entry level unit, transformed my system using the same dac I was running.