Dgarretson, excellent post. What's not often discussed in debates (friendly, as this one is, or not) is negative bias. Often arguments are used in an effort to discount treatments/tweaks without addressing the fact that some approach listening to tests of said treatments with an attitude/mindset which minimizes or marginalizes what they are hearing.
Of course, it's impossible to approach such tests completely unbiased, but the playing field should be level. :)
I always find it rewarding when I can show someone with a negative bias the efficacy of such treatments. It is impressive when someone disposed to discount their worth hears and is convinced of their efficacy.
Sometime I'll have to try the green marker thing. My ego is not such that I fear being made fun of. I just don't care to do truly stupid things (i.e. overdrink, have illicit sex, etc.)
Of course, it's impossible to approach such tests completely unbiased, but the playing field should be level. :)
I always find it rewarding when I can show someone with a negative bias the efficacy of such treatments. It is impressive when someone disposed to discount their worth hears and is convinced of their efficacy.
Sometime I'll have to try the green marker thing. My ego is not such that I fear being made fun of. I just don't care to do truly stupid things (i.e. overdrink, have illicit sex, etc.)