Working with 78’s

Hi. I’m a little new to this. I’m interested in how to transfer audio from 78 rpm records to digital. I’m talking about the thick non bendable records that are read by a thick stylus. I read this thread and it is beyond me:

How do I know what kind of thick stylus and tonearm to use? Is there any one combination of makes and models for turntable, tonearm and stylus that will work for all 78 records?


@europeansoundtrack , @mke246 is giving very good advice. No 78 I know of uses RIAA EQ. In the late 1950s a number of preamps had several of the more common 78EQ curves built in. One of my favorites was the Harmon Kardon Citation 1. It also had switched tone controls, which were useful dealing with some of the lessor 78 labels that were in between some of the other label's EQ curves.

Once you get the EQ and stylus size right, you might be surprised how quiet they can be.

@atmasphere  @mke246  @europeansoundtrack 

Pure Vinyl has all the EQ options available at the click of a mouse. All he needs is a 78 RPM Cartridge and Pure Vinyl and he can record any 78 made. 

A brand new Ortofon cartridge for shellac 78 RPM records can be had for $20?  
Wow. Cool!