I had a terrific conversation with an audio dealer who carries Pro-Ject. They said the failure rate of the CD Boxes since 2022 was 70%. Wow!!
That does qualify as a wow!!
I received my RS2T in November 2021 and as I have said previously, no operating/ reliability problems with very frequent and heavy usage. It seems that other owners who purchased theirs around that time or earlier have had similar outcomes as mine. Obviously something changed in later production (2022) batches/runs.
No question I feel quite fortunate. I am glad that Pro-Ject has put a hold on things until they get this sorted out thoroughly and once and for all.
David how much is the TEAC 701 retail? If you are able to hear it, the CEC or a Jay’s Audio model I’m very interested in your listening impressions. BTW I strongly suspect that the ARC CD6SE would be very good.