Bought a system without auditioning, thoughts?

Long story but I ended up buying a system without auditioning a single component and haven’t set it up, what are your thoughts? Technic SL 1210 GR, nagaoka mp-500, eversolo dmp-a6, pass labs xp 17, pass labs int-250, klipsch forte iv, Cardas clear Cygnus speaker cable, Cardas clear interconnects, Cardas clear Cygnus phono cable.  I know I don’t need the int-250 for the klipsch but got a great deal.


Auditioning?! How many here have purchased used gear for 30 years like I have without ever auditioning a single component? Auditioning, what’s that?

Many dealers and online audio companies have a "try it out first" policy. About 3/4 of my equipment was purchased this way. But I also went to my dealer on two 4 hour listening sessions since he sells equipment from his home. Don Better in Shaker Heights, OH.

@jshira now, some of the more critical bits have been put together...

Initial thoughts?

Is it a hit? (*OW!*) Or a miss? (f/m voice, clueless: *Whaaat?*)

Nosey Noisy Nattering Nabobs Need NoLedge......;)

It's all good gear by the piece, nothing too peculiar. I would think it will sound very nice together.


I did the same thing after my divorce.....  I revamped everything over the past two years.   I think music was the only thing that got me through it, so to me it was a good use of funds.  

She wanted to get my system in the divorce so I packed it all up and put it in storage.   I listened to my Quicksilver headphone Amp and Klipsch HP3 for about 6 months until I got my life sorted out.  

Then when I did, I bought the Forte and that started a chain of events leading to my current system.  I didn't exactly buy the Forte sight unseen.... they weren't shipping them yet so I listened to Forte III and the other new IV series speakers. 

I bought my Amp without audition and it turned out to be the best piece of gear I have ever owned.  

When times are bad  I have always used  music to get me through.     Now things are great , have someone new in my life ...she also loves music .   She thinks this hobby is a little insane but she gets it.